Friday 20 May 2011

Mango, A Great Fruit in Jamaica.


During spring going into summer, the Jamaican market is filled with Mangoes. This sweet and delicious
fruit is loved by a large population in the country and is used to make all types of recipes. There are several types of mangoes in Jamaica each having its unique taste. However, two of my favourite mangoes are the "Julie" and "East Indian".
Mangoes are apart of the "Anacardiaceade" and are mostly located in tropical countries in the world. These fruits are rich in vitamin A, B, C and minerals - having calcium and potassium and are low in sodium and fat.
In Jamaica the mango fruit is blend with other fruits such as pine-apple, guava and watermelon creating a rich drink. Ginger is added to bring up the flavour.
Try making your own fruit punch using mangoes as the main ingredient. I know you will enjoy it.

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