Monday 11 April 2011

Jamaican Easter Bun Celebration

Every year during the months of March and April, almost all the bakeries in Jamaica are busy baking and distributing Easter Bun on the local and even international market. During the Easter season most Jamaicans are participating in the tradition of eating bun and cheese. These buns are normally filled with rich ingredients of flour, baking powder, brown sugar, eggs, browning, milk, melted margarine, mixed spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, raisins and mixed peel.
The tradition of eating bun and cheese in Jamaica goes way back in history. This tradition was taken to Jamaica by the British and has not stopped since. The eating of Easter bun was done mostly on Good Friday which is celebrated by Catholics has the day assigned for the remembrance of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. However, Bun and Cheese becomes the main supper after dinner weeks before the usual practice date. Once bun and cheese enters the market in Jamaica it is sold faster than other baked product.
Jamaicans across the world continues to celebrate this unique tradition and even buy Easter Bun which is shipped to them are taken to their location by a family member.
 Here are some pictures of easter bun and cheese ate by Jamaicans during the easter season.

Recipes for making easter bun can be found online.
Copyright (c) April 2011 by Carlinton Singh.